
Exchange Tokens

Digital assets can be conditionally divided into 2 types - coins and tokens. Coins act as a means of payment. Tokens are analogous to digital stocks. The scope of application is much wider than that of coins. There are several types of tokens, including exchange ones. These are utility tokens, their owners receive certain[...]

December 29th, 2021|Cryptocurrency market|

Fear and Greed Index

Human emotions are at the heart of various processes in economics, politics, business, and ordinary life. Joy, fear, greed influence decision-making. This statement is true for cryptocurrency trading. A person decides to sell or buy assets based on historical data and market analysis. However, emotions play a big role. To assess their impact, a[...]

December 29th, 2021|Cryptocurrency market|

Top High-profile Cryptocurrency Fraud Cases

Digital assets aren't just attracting investors. Scammers are interested in cryptocurrency. The thirst for profit pushes criminals to create various schemes. Any method is based on the greed of users, ignorance of basic security requirements, and lack of elementary caution. The most famous cases of cryptocurrency fraud BitConnect BitConnect cryptocurrency exchange[...]

November 16th, 2021|Cryptocurrency market|