Some experts believe that power is a heavy machine that cannot keep up with progress. Sometimes this is true, but today’s circumstances dictate different conditions to us. For example, cryptocurrencies, which appeared just 10 years ago, have had a significant impact on the banking and financial sector. And this is already the territory of the government. What is particularly interesting is that the Blockchain technology used here is very versatile and has a wide range of applications. That’s right, Blockchain can be used in a wide variety of areas to make our life more convenient.

All services in one pocket

Government can operate more efficiently thanks to blockchain technology. Thanks to this, any tax inspections can take place as quickly as possible. Even the largest company can be inspected in a few minutes. Moreover, thanks to smart contracts, a special taxation system becomes more transparent and convenient, and also allows you to effectively resist financial fraud and fraud.

Modern startups already offer some solutions that are gaining popularity:

  •         Polys;
  •         Sage Communications.

The EU states allocate more than 3 billion euros annually for the modification and implementation of these technologies.

Due to the fact that Blockchain helps to improve the process of information exchange, some professions and places in certain areas will be unclaimed. You don’t need that many accountants, tax inspectors, and other positions. People are freed from routine work, bureaucracy is reduced, and the risk of mistakes due to the “human factor” disappears.

Your right to vote

Modern technology already allows citizens of some countries to vote from their homes or any convenient location. But this system is not transparent and can be attacked. Blockchain makes everything easier because it allows owners to log in, go through verification, and vote for the best candidate. Moreover, the feature of Blockchain technology excludes the possibility of falsification, because all changes are transparent and unchangeable. And a special register, created after voting, allows you to check the information at any time. This means that each participant can make sure that his vote has been counted and he has exercised his right to vote.

Today, there are already various startups that make it possible to efficiently implement this process. For example, the Voatz platform, which raised more than $2 million for implementation. The main goal of the company is to create a secure voting environment capable of providing anonymity, reliability, and transparency of the process. Today the project is at the testing stage, and several universities are working on its finalization. In addition, there is also a Follow My Vote program offering Blockchain-based code. This is another great way to cast your vote in electronic voting.

Several countries and political parties have already used Blockchain for elections. Examples include Texas Libertarian Party, Utah Republican Party, Danish Liberal Alliance. There is no doubt that this approach will become more and more popular in the future.

Intellectual property

There are two types of copyright – exclusive and non-proprietary. Both options have some risks. For example, they can be misappropriated by third parties (scammers or pirates). Blockchain allows you to eliminate this risk and solve the problem. It is enough to save the product (picture, poems, songs) in one of the blocks. Blockchain will contain information about the owner and the author (if they are different people), as well as show all interactions.

There are already some programs that use the Blockchain principle to establish and confirm copyright.

  •         PatentBot;
  •         Io.

Intellectual property and copyrights are an aspect that is often violated by various scammers. There are many resources on the Internet with pirated content. With the help of Blockchain technology, the owner will be able to protect his property from hacking and illegal copying. All changes can be easily tracked and, if necessary, blocked.

There is already a startup Ascribe, which helps artists to prove the fact of intellectual property. The owner receives a special identifier or digital certificate. This document is legally binding. Moreover, the owner can transfer it to a third party (buyer).

Also, worth noting is the startup SingularDTV with a unique film and video distribution system using the Blockchain Ethereum code. Russia also has its own developments – the Ministry of Culture and the IPChain company signed an agreement on work in this direction. It looks like quality copyright protection will soon become a reality thanks to Blockchain.

Payments and transactions to any country

It is worth saying that Blockchain uses unique principles. The distributed ledger allows you to store the necessary data for a long time (almost forever). And this information is confidential: cryptographic encryption provides protection against hacking, and distribution to various nodes eliminates the risk of forgery or unauthorized modification.

In fact, it is an ideal software for financial transactions and transactions between countries. The banking system is cumbersome and requires a lot of verification and confirmation. The process can take several days or even weeks. Blockchain is a convenient and reliable key that allows you to make transactions almost instantaneous.

And some banks have already confirmed this by turning their attention to Blockchain and starting to use this technology. English bank Barclays together with Wave have made several cash payments using the Blockchain program. Also, the officials said they plan to expand their presence in the segment in the future and make such transactions widely available to all customers.


The correct approach allows us to make our life better, and the work of the state more efficient, and Blockchain is an excellent assistant in this sense. The technology developed for cryptocurrencies today can be used in almost any field. However, its main goal is to ensure the quality work of cryptocurrencies. And digital assets are one of the most promising investment options today. Especially if you trust money to real professionals with rich experience and understanding of the market.