Description: Thanks to modern technology and innovative strategies, the user can make good money. But only if he has chosen a quality service. And we will tell you the reasons for choosing API Management.

Path to big money – API Management or Crypto fund

Perhaps each of us at least once in your life asked yourself a question – “what moment would I change in the past, having information about today’s reality”. And if we are talking about the opportunity to earn great money, then this question has a simple answer. Buying Bitcoin in 2009, just after entering the market. At that time, one coin was worth only a few cents, and today the price is tens of thousands of dollars. No one could believe that cryptocurrency would become such a popular and expensive one. However, you can also profit from digital currency today, and there are several priority options. In this article, we will talk about such methods as crypto fund and API management.

Basic concepts

So, what is a crypto fund? This is a kind of analog of a bank that works on the principle of an investment fund. The investor grants the fund the right to dispose of its capital and concludes an agreement (usually for 1 year or more). After that, the employees of the crypto fund analyze the market, assess the perspectives, and make investments in the most profitable projects.

Such funds investing finance in promising startups operating within the ICO. There are crypto funds that specialize in cryptocurrency trading or invest in the development of blockchain technologies. Also, funds can combine all methods of earning capital. As a result of successful decisions, the investor makes a profit, and may not be afraid of his own mistake, because not everyone is a specialist in the field of cryptocurrencies and investments.

But this approach also has many disadvantages. For example, crypto funds take an annual percentage of the funds used (as a rule, this is 0.5-2%). This is not much, but if the profit was small, the benefits of cooperation with the crypto fund are leveled. Also, the client cannot withdraw money before the end of the agreement, so your assets are immobile. Moreover, many, even popular crypto funds have been seen in scandals with fraud, so even an official agreement does not guarantee you 100% confidence in a positive result and an increase in investment capital.

The better way

Of course, cooperation with a crypto fund can be beneficial, but this is not the best option available today. There is a fundamentally new approach that has more advantages. This is the management API. You must only open an account with a cryptocurrency broker in your name, and then you can enlist the support of real specialists thanks to API management.

Due to this method, you allow a team of specialists in the field of cryptocurrencies to transact on your behalf through API keys. Professional traders analyze all the necessary factors, determine the direction of price movement, set the parameters of stop loss and take profit, choose the expiration time, etc. All these trades will be copied to your exchange account via API keys in accordance with the trader’s rules. Therefore, even a person who is not an expert in the field of cryptocurrency trading can become a successful investor.

Positive aspects of API Management

API management trading is an innovative technology that minimizes risks and increases attractiveness for investors. This approach has several important advantages.

  1.                 Lack of Lock-up period. Crypto funds enter into an agreement with you, and you give them the right to manage your finances. This means that you cannot withdraw funds at any time before the end of the lock-up period. In the case of API management, your money remains with you (on your exchange account), and all transactions on the exchange are made by using API keys. Moreover, the withdrawal of funds and profits is available at any time.
  2.                 Lack of management fee. API management does not impose a mandatory payment on the client of a management fee. The income of your traders depends on the number of successful trades and your profit. Therefore, they are most interested in a successful result.
  3.                 Maximum safety. Your funds do not pass under the control of third parties but remain on the accounts of the exchange. Moreover, you can see the data on each transaction and get a report, which provides more transparency than standard crypto funds and allows you to guarantee the maximum level of security.
  4.                 Professional approach. Experienced traders understand how the cryptocurrency market works and can make the most effective investments. Besides, you get the diversification of deposits (your money is involved in several transactions at once). Therefore, the probability of a positive outcome (even in the case of several failed trades) increases significantly.

Proper first step

The conclusion is obvious – API management is a more promising way to invest money than a crypto fund. But you must choose a quality service that can offer the best conditions. FOBS has a great list of advantages that will help you grow your capital.

  •       Rich experience and quality approach. A professional team of 5 experienced specialists (total experience in cryptocurrency trading – over 20 years) collects all the necessary data, analyzes the market situation, and develops a strategy. After that, the team test each strategy and (if the result is positive) is added to the general list of strategies;
  •       Lots of options. We offer a wide range of opportunities (more than 15 trading pairs, 15 strategies in each). This approach allows you to diversify investments as much as possible and completely reduce risks, increasing the chance of a positive result (if one strategy is unprofitable, then the rest show positive trends).
  •       Innovative technologies. The FOBS team uses all the best opportunities for effective work: machine learning, data and statistics analysis, etc.
  •       Regular statistics. Every week the user receives a financial report with indicators of profit and successful transactions. And you can see all the dynamics. Our summary result for the past 9 months is 72.55%.
  •       Individual approach. An investor can increase profits by increasing the proportion of risky deals. Such decisions and future strategies are discussed individually with FOBS specialists.

Make the right decisions and let your capital grow with smart investments in cryptocurrencies and API management.